MMXII is the story of a young man named Patrick who's love of his life, Brie, fell into a coma one year ago. Fearing for her life, Patrick creates a way through her letters to enter into her world to bring her back to reality. But when her mind begins to fight back, he must race against the clock to bring her home.
Music by: Joseph Bennie
Starring: Ashley Wilson, Blake McGinnis, Sincera Alexander, Robert Smith
MMXII (Full HD Movie)
1h 43m
MMXII is the story of a young man named Patrick who's love of his life, Brie, fell into a coma one year ago. To everyone around him, she is already lost due to the severity of her condition. Fearing for her life and desperate to hold on to her, Patrick creates a way to enter into her world to bri...